Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Crafting a Corgi, from paper!

While browsing a random search on Google last night, I came across something that really perked the crafter in me. It was the image of a little folded paper Corgi on someones desk, it was posed in a classic Corgi fashion and had me wondering "how hard is this one?" I had in the past attempted an origami design, and although managed to finish it in a few hours I don't know as I'll try it again unless I can ever find the right kind of paper. This one was by far much easier, especially since the supposed "instruction" document was practically blank. Although I'm good at doing a lot without instructions, it really wasn't hard at all. The only hang up was the ears but in only took me a minute to figure out that after you cut it out in a square, and with the little tabs, you are to glue it together then trim the white area off the back, that way it has a seamless look! Anyway, I'd also advise to use double stick tape for those, like me, are limited in the glue department, although fragile the old school glue stick stuff does seem to be working well enough for my first ever attempt at one of these. Of coarse, my Corgi is left a little less than impressed, as it isn't food nor does it dispense any. 

Oh well, for the rest of us with working thumbs, why not give it a try yourself? You can find the project here where I found it:


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