Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Corgi Crafts: Tiny needle felted Corgwn

These two little guys were created by Needle felting. They are solid wool, all except their collars which are silver chain.

They both stand almost exactly 2" tall, and are at 3 and 4 inches long.

Each little Corgi even has carefully detailed paws.

And now, a set of fun shots!

We hope you enjoyed the little photo show of felties!


  1. These are adorable! How can I get some and/or how can I make my own?

  2. Forgot to ask: do you make owls? I'm batty for barn owls (Tyto alba).

  3. This Blog will show you everything that you need to know about the craft of needle felting:

    For right now I have only made dogs, except for dog toys. I did felt a hummingbird onto a ball, maybe I can do an owl on a ball next? It'll be a while since I'm so busy right now, have to finish up my latest little dog ;)!

  4. I can't believe how lovely these little guys are. Do you offer them for sale--on etsy, perhaps? If so, please give me your website. If not, you should consider it, as there is a rabid bunch of corgi lovers out there who would likely pay premium for them.

    As for owls, please try a barn owl. It would be easiest, I think, and also has a rabid audience of owlies. Here's a website with photos to get you started:


  5. Not yet, I do have an account with Etsy and someday I hope to be able to sell my crafts! I've certainly gotten enough people who are interested lately, I just need to find a way to work a little extra time into the day, don't we all?

    I will try out an Owl soon, whenever I can find that extra time, and stock back up on material!
